Christopher Pitts - President

- Better communications: WAC website, Google list, facebook, Waban Next Door, printed mailings, coordinating with WIS/WLC, campaign to get every Waban resident on our email list
- Informational forums and surveys
- fundrasing for the WAC as it gets no funds from the city
Learning Plan 2023-24:
- Arts in the Community
- Landmarking and Historic preservation
- Open space, green space, fresh waterfront
- Zoning and interdependencies
I moved to Waban with my wife and 2 preschoolers in early 2001, and have been active in the community ever since.
My first community involvement was to launch the effort to build a newer, safer playground at Warren Lincoln field. A group of neighbors got together and raised $52,000, and over 50 volunteers showed up to build the popular structures that exist today. As a result of that experience fueled my love of this community, I joined the Waban Improvement Society board and currently serve as President.
I've been an active Waban Improvement Society (WIS) board member for over 15 years, and devoted my energies to: 1) conceptualizing and contributing to Waban Village Day; 2) advocating to keep the branch library open; and 3) creating and maintaining the WIS web site, launching the Annual Newton Piano Summit, among other things.
I joined the committee to create the Waban Area Council (WAC) in 2013, and along with the "original team of six" worked with the city and the other neighborhood councils, established a vision, and hit the pavement to gain the 1000 signatures needed to get the names on the ballot. I created and maintain the WAC web site, and maintain the WAC Facebook page. I look forward to continue the social media outreach and to continue to represent our concerns to the city -- whether the issues are related to zoning, housing, parking meters, traffic, etc. -- and to prod the city to take effective action. I would like to see Waban contine to be the wonderful and culturally rich place that John Staples started and William and Mary Strong nurtured into a village over 100 years ago.
I am am also very much involved with culture in Newton and served as the co-chair of the Newton Cultural Council and took over chair of the Festival of the Arts from the late Linda Plaut.
My professional skills as a producer of video, online learning, concerts, and fundraisers, as well as my skills as a performing artist and webmaster offer a good balance to the other members of the council. I basically have 1 and half of the 3Ws needed for board members.