Special Meeting to meet WAC Candidates
Meet with potential candidates for Waban Area Council including:
Richard Wenning, his wife Brenda and two children have lived in Waban for decades. He is currently the VP of Sales for North America at CyberArk. After NorthEastern and Fordham University where he obtained his MBA, Rich began a successful career in sales and has worked at companies such as Cisco and IBM. His two children, now college-age, attended the local public schools. He is very passionate about giving back to his neighborhood and serving in some capacity to preserve Waban as a special village.
William “Bill” Bracken grew up in the very same house he lives in now on Varick. His devotion to Waban cannot be overstated. Simply, he believes it is the best place to live, to grow up in and to retire in. Bill is a graduate of Angier, Brown Middle, Newton South High School, and Wentworth University. He is a mechanical engineer at BR+A Consulting firm specializing in HVAC. He and his wife Tasha (a well-known corporate and private events manager) have a cat Mariah. She is 19 now but still loves to jump around the edges of their pool. Bill’s love is family time, but his hobbies also include charity fundraising, golf, sports in general, and the gym.
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Chris Pitts
617 515 7579
WAC Special Meeting
Zoom with WAC Candidates
Oct 28 2021 8-9pm
WAC: Sallee Lipshutz, Chris Pitts, Ronald Marcus, Isabelle Albeck, Megan Meirav, Tom Elkind
WAC Candidates: Sumukh Tendulkar, Bill Bracken, Drake McCabe
Motion approved to have WAC pay $175.00 towards debate expenses which are shared with other area councils.
Discussion of mechanics of early voting at City Hall, which includes early voting for area councils.
The three individuals looking to be elected to the Council by write in introduced themselves and stated their reasons for wishing to participate. Ronald Marcus also mentioned Phil Wong as wishing to participate but could not be at meeting.
CP: “Average Reciprocity of Advantage” is key to making communities like Waban work well.
Meeting adjourned 8:15pm.
Respectfully submitted by Dinah Bodkin, Nov 4 2021.