September 2024

Waban Area Council

AGENDA - RESCHEDULED September 19, 2024 7:30pm                                                                                                        


Sallee Lipshutz, Chris Pitts, Sumukh Tendulkar, Drake McCabe, Bill Bracken, Carol Todreas,

Megan Meirav, Steve Gusenoff, Mark Freidman



Meeting ID: 868 4752 0630 Passcode: 700015


I.  Opening (5’)

  1. Confirmation of quorum – Carol Todreas
  2. Issues from the Community


II. Discussion Items (30’)

  1. Northland revision and implication for Waban and Newton CC Rena Getz will report
  2. Friends of Quinobequin – Sumukh Tendulkar


III. Administrative Items (5’)

  1. A. Treasurer’s Report
  2. End of year reports


IV. New Business (5’)


 Please note: Agenda order and discussion length is at the President’s discretion.



Meeting Date: 
Thursday, September 19, 2024 - 7:30pm


Sep 19th 2024

Members in attendance: Christopher Pitts, Sallee Lipshutz, Drake McCabe, Sumukh Tendulkar, Mark Freidman

Ex-Officio City Councilor: Bill Humphrey absent

Community: Phyllis Scherr, and several others unidentified on Zoom

 Opening (5’)

  1. Confirmation of quorum – Councilor Todreas has resigned from the WAC board due to time constraints in her schedule. She did so in an email to the President.
  2. Issues from the Community - none

II. Discussion Items (30’)

  1. Northland revision and implication for Waban and Newton Northland Development changes:
    1. Review of Slides from Northland
    2. Questions around the impact on traffic, schools, and finances.
    3. CC Rena Getz is attending the Northland meeting and will inform WAC at the next meeting
  2. Friends of Quinobequin – Sumukh Tendulkar
    1. FOQ meeting to be held on Sep 26th
    2. Important to follow OML. Chris will share instructions with Sumukh

III. Administrative Items (5’)

  1. Treasurer’s Report  - same as last month
  2. Discussion on filing minutes by Clerk.

 IV. New Business (5’)

  1. Discussion around issues and participation of WAC past, present and futur
  2. Proposed – a survey to determine the interests and priorities of the community and get input into projects and volunteers. Mark will examine previous WAC surveys including 
  3. Share the invitation on WAC and WIS mailing lists apx. 1000 each.