November 9, 2017
Meeting Minutes
November 9, 2017, 7:30pm
Members in Attendance: Joe Corkery, Sallee Lipshutz, Kathy Winters, Andreae Downs, Maureen Reilly Meagher, Chris Pitts
City attendees: John Rice, Barbara Darnell (NHAC), Groot Gregory (NHAC)
Other attendees: Russell Stein, Patrick Maher
APPROVAL OF OCTOBER 12, 2017 MEETING MINUTES: JC presents minutes. SL moves to accepted as edited. KW seconds. Unanimously approved.
APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER 9, 2017 TREASURER’S REPORT: SL reports that Newtonville AC $42.44 and NHAC $212.32. UF has yet to pay $27.91 that is due. SL reports that the balance is $1209.53 which includes $50 check to Angier janitor and $45 as a thank you for moderators. Spent $200 on posters around city announcing the showcase. SL questions whether it was effective. AD and CP think they were. JC does not recall seeing them anywhere. CP recommends lawn signs. Think they were highly effective. MRM suggests hanging on one the T bridge. CP says that videos have gotten around 800 views. KW moves to approve treasurer’s report. SL seconds. Unanimously approved.
SL reports that Verizon came and took down the second pole and board on which resident (?) hit her head as reported at the last meeting.
Staples-Craft House at 1615 Beacon St / Suzuki School of Music - SL spoke with Michael Gleba (in planning - replacement for Alexandra Ananth). Suzuki school is adjusting hours to accommodate parking requirements. No news as to whether or not they have closed on the property.
37 Radcliff Rd - SL presented the latest plans. Discussed the fact that penalties for violating the permits are not very clear, especially with regard to timelines and are often highly negotiable. Would like to find a better process that doesn’t punish the neighbors, but instead punishes the developer. Would like to see a penalty that prevents future building in Newton by the violating developer for a period of time starting from when they finish restoring the home. Would like to see an item docketed to explore that. KW suggest that we do some research on this and reach out to other area councils on this. MRM suggests Amy Sangiolo might be interested in or able to point people in the right direction. KW will look into it the process. SL reports that tomorrow the builder/architect is bringing over a model. Neighbors have been invited to come over and see it.
Waban Common, Inc. - SL reports on the fact that Waban Common is in the process of being incorporated. Not part of Waban Area Council. Hoping to have a planting schedule for the spring. Trees go in in April. April 27 (Arbor Day), hoping to have a group of volunteers gathered by Lupian Landscaping to help plant. RS shared some information about incorporation process. Hopefully planning on a fundraiser for January 20th, but status is a little nebulous based on approval process. RS raises concern that that might potentially be playoff weekend. Although potentially safe for a Saturday night.
Election Showcases and Charter Debate - SL summarizes the 2 showcase events. Discussed pros/cons of allowing campaign literature. MRM need to make sure that we all have the same information about the rules and that we are completely consistent as a group with how rules are enforced. Overall consensus was that it was very good.
Zoning Pattern Book Deadline to Suggest Changes - SL encourages everyone to review the pattern book ( that includes groups of houses that are representatives of the area. Comments need to be provided by November 29th.
Dismissal change at Angier - Changes to parking / pickup rules go into effect on Monday.
ELECTION RESULTS AND AREA COUNCIL PARTICIPATION: SL reports that new area council will have 3 new members: Dinah Bodkin, Bob Jampol, Patrick Maher. JC asks that people thinking about officer roles as he will not be able to serve as Secretary next year. SL also will not be running for President.
SL reports that she attended a meeting in City Hall to discuss electrical aggregation plan. All area councilors were invited to attend, but she was the only one. Notices are going to be sent to everyone in their water bills. The program will be opt-out by default. People need to be aware of it. SL has invited Ann Berwick to come to December meeting and talk about it.
ADJOURN: SL moves to adjourn at 9:05 PM. JC seconds. Unanimously approves.
Next meeting will take place on December 14, 2017 at 7:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Joe Corkery