Feb 8th 2018 mtg

Agenda, February 8, 2018, 7:30pm-9:30pm

Waban Library Center

  1. Approval of January Minutes (5 minutes)
  2. Approval of Treasurer’s Report, including annual report (5 minutes)
  3. Burning Issues from the Community (10 minutes)
  4. Discussion of Draft Pattern Book (60 minutes)
    • Comments from Residents
    • Comments from Councilors
    • WAC comment letter to Planning Department - RG
  5. Waban Common Fundraiser Update - SL (5 minutes)
  6. Chestnut St. repaving scheduled for Summer 2018; Draft Street Design Guide – March 21 Public Facilities – (5 minutes) KW
  7. Update on by-laws provision re resignation of area council member – (5 minutes) KW
  8. Update on Waban Ave. Parking: Public Safety & Transportation Committee’s decision re appeal of Traffic Council parking restrictions. – (5 minutes) DB
  9. Next Meeting – March 8:  Special meeting on Allen Ave. and Beethoven Ave. Traffic Calming, tentatively set for 6:45p-7:30p. Ann Berwick, Co-Director of Sustainability will present on Newton Power Choice/ Municipal Aggregation Program.

The location of this meeting is handicap accessible, and reasonable accommodations will be provided to persons requiring assistance. If you need a special accommodation, please contact the city of Newton’s ADA Coordinator, Jini Fairley, at least two business days in advance of the meeting: jfairley@newtonma.gov or (617) 796-1253. For Telecommunications Relay Service, please dial 711.

Meeting Date: 
Thursday, February 8, 2018 - 7:30pm


Meeting Minutes


Members in Attendance:  All members of Waban Area Council were in attendance.


Alderman in Attendance: City Ward Councilor John Rice


Other Attendees:Maureen Reilly-Meagher, Don Ross, Nelson Lipshutz, Carol Todreas, Barbara Darnell.


Minutes of January 11, 2017 Meeting

                        Approved by unanimous vote.  SL stated that she submitted 2017 Annual Report to David Olson, City Clerk.


Approval of Treasurer’s Report:

                        Treasurer’s Report approved. Current account balance is $1347.20.  New signatories noted (KW replaces SL, IA replaces RG).


Burning Issues from the Community

                        Discussion of difference between WAC and WIS (Waban Improvement      Society).  The general conclusion was that the two bodies played different  roles in the life of Waban and are not redundant. 


      Shoveling snow off sidewalks: One member raised question of residents      who do not shovel their sidewalks and the danger this presents to  others.  Enforcement mechanism is problematic; fines are not levied.  It was agreed that in the next blast email, residents will be reminded of their   obligation to shovel sidewalk in front of their houses. 


      Service day for Waban Common: Possibility raised that Jason Lupien of  Lupien Landscaping would coordinate a “service day” whereby local        landscapers would prepare the planting beds for Waban Common.  The council asked if it could sign Jason’s activity up as a Newton Serves   activity. SL is looking into that.


Discussion of Draft Pattern Book

                        The point of the discussion was to submit a letter with the Council’s and   Residents’ concerns to the Planning Dept.  To that end, a draft was      circulated.  The comments and potential alterations to the Draft Pattern      Book were divided into two sections:  Comments on NPB and the NPB          Process and Comments/Corrections to Waban Specific CBA.   Meeting      attendants expressed concern that some of the language in the DPB was   vague and broad (“Development is to be guided to reflect the character        held or sought by existing residential neighborhoods, protecting the qualities of that which exists” pg 11), raising the possibility that the DPB could be used to further any goal.  Another           concern was that the timeline was insufficient to allow aspirational     goals    to be met.  Also, specific mistakes were elucidated.  Ie, NWH was at          one point stated to be at the east end of Waban, whereas it is in fact     at Waban’s west end.  Also, “open space” is             designated on maps     without it being clear which is private open space and which is public.    The letter was approved unanimously.  Final comments can be        submitted to KW.


Waban Common Fundraiser Update

                        SL reported that Waban Common is now an official 501(c)3 retroactive to August of 2017.  Fund is well underway and showing good results.  The    goal is $75,000.00.  Planting will begin in April.


Chestnut St repaving schedule

                        Due to the need for a water main repair the street will not be repaved this   summer.  Some discussion around the driving dangers presented when   wide side streets encounter a large thoroughfare.       Examples were noted.             If the side street narrows before encountering a major artery then     the temptation to speed is greatly reduced.  This is a curb and street           problem that should be addressed when Chestnut St is repaved.


By-laws provision re resignation of area council member

                        One member suggested that an area council member resign if he/she             misses more than three meetings in a row. The considered course of action          would be for members to potentially question errant individual to see if      attendance can be improved, and if not, to ask board member to resign.        No action taken.


Update on Waban Ave parking

                        Parking council had approved a change on Waban Ave between Nehoiden   and Manitoba.   The change created a 2 hr zone on the aqueduct side and a        no parking zone on the house side Parking Council.  However, the resident             asking for the change appealed the decision, and the appeal resulted in No        Action Necessary.  Parking in that section thus remains unchanged.


Items slated for March 8 meeting discussed.


Meeting adjourned 9:09 pm.


Respectfully submitted by Dinah Bodkin

