April 9 2015
III. BURNING ISSUES: Community comments for future agenda or immediate resolution (10 min)
A. Angier School/Beacon St/Collins Rd Island - MRM (5 min)
B. Waban Future Vision 3rd Community Session Report: Housing - CP (5 min)
C. Angier Construction Progress - BB (2 min)
D. Add-A-Lane April Update from MassDOT - SL (1 min)
§ Contacts at MassDOT: Joseph Graham (MassDOT Resident Engineer) and Trish Foley (MassDOT Legislative Liaison) E-mail: NWi95@dot.state.ma.us
§ Add-A-Lane Website: Sign up for updates
§ Mitigation suggestions and discussion of docketed item to put Add-A-Lane on City Website (All - 5 min)
E. WAC Boundary Petition - SL (5 min.)
F. St. Philip Neri - KW and SL (15 min)
G. Zoning Reform: Phase 1 Zoning Regulation Approval - RG (20 min)
§ Public Hearing date: April 13.
H. Friends of the Quinobequin - MRM (10 min)
§ Newton Serves Project
§ Quinobequin Road -E- Opening
I. Library Working Group - AD, SL, MRM (5 min)
J. Communications Committee - CP, JC, MRM, SL (5 min)
§ Postcard to WIS Mailing List
K. WAC Presence at Village Day: What, When, and Who? - All Councilors (3 min)
V. NEW BUSINESS: New items that may lawfully arise for discussion.
VI. ADJOURN: Next Meeting: May 14, 7:30 PM, Waban Library Center
A. 4th Waban Future Vision Session: April 16, 7:30 PM, Waban Library Center
B. Newton Serves Day - April 26
C. 11th Waban Village Day - May 17
Meeting Minutes
Members Present: Barbara Bower, Maureen Reilly-Meagher, Sallee Lipshutz, Matt Gardella, Kathy Winters, Rena Getz, Andreae Downs, Chris Pitts.
Aldermen: Ald. John Rice.
Residents: Peter Cox, Isabel Albeck, Judy Kohn, Carole Grossman, Peter Taggel, Elinor Nelson, Deena David, Cathy Wong, Beverly Berenson, Marvin Grossman, Joanne Grossman, Andrew Silverman, Jane Frantz, Deb Karl, Charile & Eunice Shishmanian.
- Approval of March 12 and March 24 Special Meeting Minutes. Both sets of minutes approved by unanimous votes (March 12 minutes subject to minor edits that AD will get to JC).
- Burning Issues:
- Isabel Albeck informed that there is a Newton Historical Commission meeting April 23 with a vote to designate Peck house (corner of Beacon and Windsor) a historical landmark building. Owner is seeking a demolition permit. Meeting will be at City Hall.
- Deena David said she would prefer to see a logo for WAC that depicts the Strong building as she feels it will be more welcoming than the current logo.
- Treasurer’s Report. RG gave treasurer’s report which was approved by unanimous vote. Account balance at $3,045.72. City comptroller has advised RG that WAC should docket an item to establish a gift account. Unanimous vote to take such action. Ald. John Rice will docket the item.
- Angier School/Beacon St./Collins Rd. Island. MRM wants to submit application to parks and recreation department on behalf of WAC to participate in adopt a space program. MRM would like commitment from council members to help plant flowers. She has volunteered to maintain the garden. MRM will reach out to Union Church to see if they would like to participate. BB will reach out to the Angier PTO. JR points out importance of getting some water there. Question raised as to who will bear the irrigation cost. Unanimous approval to submit application to parks and recreation department to adopt island.
- Waban Future Vision Project. CP was not present for the update. RG read an update that CP provided regarding the housing meeting (update is attached). Information is up on the website as well as a link to the working wiki document being generated by the project. Next session April 16th at 7:30pm at WLC. It will be the first session on streets, traffic and parking. Newton Director of Transportation Bill Paille will attend and Chris Steele will moderate.
- Angier Project Update. BB gave a summary of the Angier meeting that occurred at 7pm. The Angier build remains on budget and on time.
- Add-A-Lane Update. SL informed that WAC would like to solicit information from neighborhood as to possible mitigation related to Add-a-Lane.
- AD suggests asking for proper sidewalks to be installed at Rt. 9 off-ramp to Chestnut heading westobound all the way to the Wellesley office park and for proper sidewalks underneath both Rt. 9 overpasses.
- Reaching WAC. If you need to reach councilors go to wabanareacouncil@newtonma.gov and that will go out to all councilors.
- WAC boundary petition. SL is working on collecting signatures to increase WAC boundary. We have 16 signatures (the minimum required). SL would like to collect more. Charlie Shishmanian of Warren Rd. offered to collect signatures from neighbors on his street.
- SPN Update. KW provided update on status of SPN development. The developer intends to file an application for 40B project eligibility with Mass Housing by the end of April, possibly by April 17. Developer intends to host a community meeting on May 4 or May 6 at the Windsor Club. Residents will have opportunity to comment at that meeting. Rice and KW identified three opportunities for community input during this process: (1) at the community meeting hosted by the developer, (2) by submitting comments to Mass Housing and to the City during the project eligibility phase, and (3) by submitting comments to the ZBA during the ZBA phase. KW will update the website as soon we are made aware of the application for project eligibility and will provide information as to how residents can comment on the project. WAC will send out a blast email with that information and with details on the community meeting as soon as those are available.
- Zoning Reform Update. RG provided update on the zoning reform initiative. See the website for more information. Phase 1 of ZRI is complete. Vote is on Monday night. If approved the new ordinance will replace old ordinance. The City has developed a marked-up document which shows changes to the ordinance. This document has reorganized content for clarity and improved ease of use. While phase 1 was generally not meant to tackle substantive changes, some substantive changes were necessary in order to resolve conflicts in the existing ordinance. There was also a substantive change to accessory apartment section. The next stage, Phase 2, is aimed at reforming the substance of the ordinance.
- MRM reports that the Quinobequin road opening event at beginning of June has been postponed due to the number of events already happening in June. New date TBD.
- AD reports that she has heard that DCR has formed a committee to determine how to make their roads more user-friendly. They will be looking at Hammond Pond Parkway first, and Quinobequin will follow. Several residents commented on the need for improvements to make the road more safe and the need to control speed on the road. AD points out that if DCR states an intention to resurface the road, residents and WAC should ask that issues be addressed to make the road usable as a “parkway.”
- Sunday April 26 is Newton Serves Day and a group will be meeting on corner of Radcliff and Quinobequin to perform cleanup work.
- Library Working Group. AD, SL, and MRM are going to work with WIS board members Theresa Fitzpatrick and Alice Jacobs to find ways to help with running and maintenance of WLC.
- Communications Committee. WAC insert went out in WIS newsletter.
- Thursday April 30, Newton History Series Event. Village of Waban and Albert Angier’s Changing World. Held at Newton Free Library at 7pm.
- WAC presence at Village Day. Village Day is May 17th. Discussion of what kind of presence WAC will have.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Winters
Waban Future Planning update