February 27, 2014 - Rescheduled

AGENDA Thursday, February 27, 2014 – 7:30pm 
Approval of Minutes of January 9, 2014 Meeting held after WAC Swearing-In at Newton City Hall 
ALDERMEN: John Rice, Deborah Crossley and Brian Yates;
BURNING ISSUES: From the Community (8 minutes total)

1.) Waban Area Council meeting venue possibilities.

2.)  Letter to MWRA /Mayor Warren suggesting that he send a request to MWRA for an improvement to “natural” crossing on Sudbury Aqueduct near Stanley and Canterbury Roads in Waban and Newton Highlands.

3.) School Updates – Angier and Zervas Projects

a. Zervas – Composition of Working Group (Attachment) Add Upper Falls person to working group?

4.) Riverside – inclusion of WAC on mitigation committee. Current status on lawsuit; BOA getting legal counsel in Executive Sessions.

5.) St. Philip Neri – Sold to a trust on January 21, 2014.

6.) BOA water, sewer and storm water rate restructuring. Updates?

7.) Engine 6 – Private sale for condo development.

8.) Waban Improvement Society:

A.) 11th Annual Progressive Dinner-Sat., March 15, 7-11pm. RSVP to -ilanasteel@gmail.com;

B.)10th Annual Waban Village Day, Sun., May 18, 11am-3pm. Volunteers needed.



1.) Mission Statement - approval

2.) Listing in Community Guide produced by Office of Cultural Affairs - Mission Statement and other info TBD at meeting

3.) Discussion of need for a budget and fundraising.

4.) Committee Formation and Tasks

A. Friends of the Quinobequin – Sallee Lipshutz and Maureen Reilly-Meagher

Formation Meeting March 27, 2014

B. Vision of Waban (2064) – Chris Steele and Chris Pitts – First Report - November, 2014?

C. How do we make government work for us? How should we engage with the City? Are we outsiders or insiders? How do we make our meetings more efficient and effective to accomplish what we are trying to accomplish?

D. Possible WAC Silent auction or other fundraiser (After budget discussion)

E. Demolition delays and zoning and preservation discussions

F. St. Elizabeth’s (in Upper Falls) preservation discussion

NEW BUSINESS: To be discussed at March 13 Meeting (Area Council borders; Oak tree on Wilde Road)

*Adjourn: Next Meeting: Thursday, March 13, 2014, 7:30pm – Location –TBD

The location of this meeting is handicap accessible, and reasonable accommodations will be provided to persons requiring assistance. If you need a special accommodation, please contact the Newton ADA Coordinator, Joel Reider, at least two days in advance of the meeting: jreider@newtonma.gov or 617-796-1145. For Telecommunications Relay Service dial 711.



Newton City Hall
Room 222
United States
37° 5' 24.864" N, 95° 42' 46.4076" W
Meeting Date: 
Thursday, February 27, 2014 - 7:30pm

Waban Area Council

Meeting Minutes February 27, 2014

Members in Attendance: Barbara Bower, Joe Corkery, Andreae Downs, Matthew Gardella, Rena Getz, Sallee Lipshutz, Maureen Reilly Meagher, Christopher Pitts, Kathy Winters (members are referred to by their initials).

Aldermen in Attendance: John Rice and Brian Yates.

Other Attendees: Ted Nesson, Jeff Cohen, Barbara Berensen, Barbara Brustowicz, Bob Howard, Nina Kochs, Bill Renke, Robert Welbourn, Ron Mauri, Chris Steele, Deena David.

  1. Minutes of January 9, 2014 meeting approved by unanimous vote

  1. SL gave President’s comments. Spoke on “the State of Waban” and issues that she thinks Waban will face in the future.

  1. Issues from the Community – St. Philip Neri sale. Ted Nesson of Karen Rd. spoke about the St. Philip Neri purchase by a developer. Neighbors have heard from various City officials that the developer may be considering a multi-unit housing project under 40B Comprehensive Permit or a Special Permit and they want to understand the process for those permits, especially how the community can stay informed and have input. Barbara Berenson, also an SPN neighbor, was told by Ana Gonzalez that City officials would be willing to speak about the zoning variance process. After further discussion the Council agreed by unanimous vote to sponsor an informational meeting in late March/early April to educate the community about the 40B and Special Permit process. The Aldermen present recommended various speakers. MG, MRM and KW volunteered to work to put the program together.

  1. WAC meeting venue possibilities. We can no longer meet at the WLC because it is not ADA compliant (Ald. Rice was told it would cost $250K to bring the WLC into compliance). Various venue possibilities were discussed and the Council agreed to keep meeting at City Hall until we can find a better alternative.

  1. Aqueduct Stairs. The Council discussed a letter to the Mayor from WAC asking the Mayor to submit a request to MWRA to install stairs along the path from Stanley Rd. to Canterbury Rd. that traverses the Sudbury Aqueduct. A copy of the letter is attached. The Council approved the letter by unanimous vote and it was mailed to the Mayor on February 28, 2014.

  1. Angier Update. No update from Ald. John Rice. BB gave an update on the January 9th Angier meeting regarding the transition to the Carr school.

  1. Zervas. Ald. Brian Yates discussed the Zervas working group and building committee. SL informed that WAC had been asked by Newton Highlands AC and Upper Falls AC if we should have area council representation on the Zervas working group. She summarized the discussion at the last NHAC meeting. Ald. Rice told us that the Zervas building committee made a recommendation to the Mayor that Zervas building should remain at the Beethoven site. The building committee examined alternative sites (Elliot St. DPW and Cold Spring Park) and determined they would not work.

  1. Riverside. MRM provided an update on the Riverside project. MRM will work with CP to update the website re Riverside. MRM wants WAC to ask planning to post clear images of main storm drain (the configuration has changed) as well as the placement of the water pipe. MRM wants the Council to take a look at the materials and draft a letter that identifies our concerns about the impact on Waban. Bill Renke, President of the Lower Falls Improvement Association and Co-Chair of the Riverside Station Neighborhood Coalition, also spoke about the project and said that the MBTA is going to come back with a presentation of what the parking garage will look like and he suggests that public meeting would be a place at that time. Ald. Yates clarified that the parking garage will be funded by the MBTA and the City will not be on the hook for that.

  1. Bd. Of Alderman water, sewer and storm water rate restructuring. Status of the rate restructuring was discussed. Aldermen present voiced strong doubts there would be a proposal for rate change ready by July 2014. If anyone has questions regarding the rate restructuring, contact Ald. Deb Crossley or Shawna Sullivan ssullivan@newtonma.gov, staff to the Public facilities committee.

  1. Mission statement. The draft mission statement, a copy of which is attached, was approved by unanimous vote.

  1. Community Guide. Office of Public Affairs has asked for a blurb about WAC for the Community Guide. SL read proposed blurb about area councils. Everyone agreed.

  1. Budget Discussion. SL informed Council that in the past money has been spent on signature collection, advertising, website, election notification. Possible expenditures in the future: Two annual mailings, meeting space fees, community achievement or service recognition. SL came up with a proposed budget of $2400 expenditures and $2500 revenue. Discussion about possibly raising money through Silent Auction at Village Day. Discussion about sending insert about WAC in WIS newsletter. Decision on issue deferred until March. In the meantime, someone will inquire about amount of work involved in NHAC silent auction and CP will ask about putting insert in WIS newsletter.

  1. St. Elizabeth’s in Upper Falls. Nina Kochs from Upper Falls Area Council discussed the fate of St. Elizebeth’s in Upper Falls, which is to be sold by current owner (Mary Immaculate of Lourdes). Nina presented her ideas for the preservation of St. Elizabeth’s as a community center. Council members expressed admiration for her vision for the building and provided advice as to how she could start the process of making it happen. MRM offered to provide some assistance.

  1. Next meeting: March 13, 2014 at City Hall.


Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Winters



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