Settled in 1630, Newton, Massachusetts is a vibrant community comprised of 14 distinctive villages...
Established in 1889, the Waban Improvement Society is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization whose membership comprises all people who live and/or...
The nine-member Newton Highlands Neighborhood Area Council is an official elected body under the city charter. Its purpose is to facilitate...
Article 9 of the Newton City Charter provides that: "It is the purpose of this article to encourage citizen involvement in government at the...
Beautiful Newtonville is a nonprofit 501c(3) pending...
First Elected: 2017
Occupational / Professional Experience: Wastewater Advisory Committee to the MWRA...
City Council Committee assignments:
- Programs & Services Committee
- Finance Committee
Ward 5 City Councilor...
- Title:Councilor-at-Large
- Phone:(617) 312-8123
- Email:...